Tutorials » JavaScript

Remote JavaScript debugging for mobile apps on Android - Cover

Remote JavaScript debugging for mobile apps on Android

Published by on 3rd October 2012

The use of mobile applications (or short apps) is getting more and more, but it was such a pain to debug mobile versions of a website or an app. In the last time appeared some new possibilities which will make the life of a web developer much more easier. Getting started with your smartphone The first thing you need to…

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Battery API - Low charge notification - Cover

Battery API - Low charge notification

Published by on 20th March 2012

The web is pushing forward and with it its new possibilities. One of the newest achievements is the JavaScript Battery API which is already included (prefixed) in WebKit (Chrome, Safari) and Gecko (Firefox). This API provides information about the current charge level and allows you - via events - to notify the user e.g. about a low charge or allows…

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Detect browsers with jQuery - Cover

Detect browsers with jQuery

Published by on 9th April 2010

If you want to detect browsers with jQuery it is really easy to manage with it.Although it isn't relly accessible for users with disabled JavaScript. With the release of jQuery 1.8 the $.browser variable will be deprecated and in version 1.9 it will be removed. Note: If I have forgotten some browsers let me know it! Note²: Instead of browser…

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