midori is an ultra-lightweight JavaScript framework that gets the job done without getting in your way.
Top 10 Things you can do with midori:
- Use CSS selectors to quickly access matching elements on a page
- Ajax without breaking the back button. People don't like to go back to the homepage after clicking 30 links ("what do you mean they weren't actually links?!"), nor do they like broken bookmarks.
- Let midori turn your mother's lists into spanking new tabs. After all, everybody loves tabs, right?
- Drag & drop. Well, even your three year-old knows how to use this one.
- Special FX
- Pop-up menus: No need to have a mile long navigation. What are pop-up menus for?
- Auto complete. Thanks to social networking, everyone on the planet knows about a million people on average now. So, make it easy for them to find the right "John" in your next-gen address book app.
- Inline edit. Turn anything on the page into a text box. Click, type, save. Instant gratification!
- Table selection. Well, this is a little mundane. But, you really need to select rows sometimes: I want this, this and THIS.
- Choose from various DOM, cookie, form, string and array utility methods to get through everyday tasks faster.
Source: Midorijs
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