Tutorials » PHP

Solve MySQL extension is deprecated & will be removed in the future of PHP - Cover

Solve MySQL extension is deprecated & will be removed in the future of PHP

Published by on 10th December 2012

After a long discussion inside the PHP developers team they decided to mark the old mysql_* functions deprecated in PHP 5.5. In this short tutorial you will get a instruction how to solve this error message. Why was mysql deprecated in PHP 5.5? Johannes Schlüter, one of the PHP developers listed missing points like these:Stored ProceduresPrepared Statements(SSL-)EncryptionCompressionFull charset support How…

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Sharp images with GD - Cover

Sharp images with GD

Published by on 25th December 2011

Unfortunately PHP has no built-in function like so we have to help ourselve to get such a function which could sharp images which are created or loaded with GD (Graphics Draw) in PHP. You could use that sharpening if you resize images, rotate them or create thumbnail views of images. Example

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