Phaux is a PHP5 web application framework that abstracts much of HTTP and it's inherent weaknesses.

  • A component based framework for creating applications. A Phaux component is a stateful object that is responsible for drawing itsself. Any component can embed or call any number of other components. This allows a high degree of reusability.
  • Callback based request handling. With Phaux you don't have to create a page to handle a link or a form. You simply provide a callback to be executed when the link is clicked or the form is submitted.
  • The HTML generation is programmatic, no templates, allowing the developer to think of code and not layout. CSS has matured enough that it should be used for layout exclusively. This allows the programmer and designer to work largely independently.
  • REServe object relational mapper provides automatic database table creation and migration. REServe and Phaux work together to provided rapid prototyping of web applications with no code generation. The databases and the tables do not have to be hand crafted by the developer, as they are generated from your object and automatically migrate with your objects.
  • Advanced error handling. While in development mode Phaux prints informative backtracked colorized error messages with source code so that your problems can be fixed quicker and will less headache. Phaux even catches internal PHP errors like parse errors and presents a custom error page. When your application is marked as deployed Phaux displays a generic error page with a unique error number. Never again will your application display an ugly cryptic error message to your end users.

Source: Phaux