Flourish is a PHP unframework — a general-purpose, object-oriented library. It has a modular architecture, meaning it isn't strictly MVC. It focuses on being secure, well documented and easy to use, while solving problems intrinsic to web development.

Why Use Flourish?

  • Secure
  • Consistent and easy to understand
  • Needs to model simple or complex databases, especially existing schemas
  • Works with international data
  • Can perform accurate math calculations
  • Easily manipulates images
  • Able to run on different databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MSSQL, Oracle, DB2)
  • Can be used on closed-source projects
  • Needs to run on PHP 5.1.6
  • Needs an architecture other than MVC
  • Plays nicely with other libraries and frameworks

Source: Flourish